Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Romance Confession

It's my turn. 
I took a deep breath, exhaled and then got up from my seat. 
I cleared my throat, kept my eyes on the far wall and said in a loud voice. 
"Hi, I'm Ren Thompson and I have a problem writing romance."
The rest of my imaginary group greets me in the same, monotonous tone.
"Hi Ren."
I nod and sit back down.

There, I said it. 
I love to read historical, sci/fi, contemporary, any kind of romance but for me to write it? I'm having a bit of trouble. I don't know what it is but I'm having the hardest time trying to put the internal motion picture that I'm seeing down on paper. You know what I mean. When writing, you have the whole thing playing out in your mind, right down to who is starring in it. I just can't get it out there the way I want to. And don't even get me started about erotica. That's like trying to compete in a triathlon a few minutes after pigging out at a buffet. It ain't happening.

Fabio had it going on back in the day...

I belong to a writers group, where about 80% of them are published. 
The main theme is romance and erotica. I do admit to being a bit intimidated because of it. I mean, the stuff they write is hot enough to singe off your eyebrows but I know its because of the talent that has been nurtured there. I post my feeble offerings and get my feedback. A couple of times I've had to lick my wounds, other times I go back to the drawing board and start again. I know its done with the thought and care that I develop as a writer.

One of my writer friends told me that I tend to freeze up when it comes to the romantic interaction between the characters. I thought I was writing a great build-up to "It" but nope. It didn't flow true. At first, I was a little upset but I had to step back and take a good long look at the way I write. 
And she's quite correct in her assessment.

Romance and I are having issues.

I like dark fiction. I like the horror, the twist, the sinister vibe, the intensity, the whole "OMG" aspect of it. The thought of creating that kind of reaction is almost like a thrill for me. I haven't quite figured out how to go deeper without coming across like a psychopath but I know its there...lurking just beneath the surface.


I would rather describe the crunch of bones snapping than the plump fullness of a trembling breast. The taint of sour desperation is more appealing to write than the warm, spicy scent of manly flesh. Ripping off a bodice reads better coming from someone else other than me. I realize this now and in a way that sucks. Its something that I have to work on. 

My mother told me, more than once, that I have a warped imagination. I take that as a compliment, lol. Being called "deliciously sick" gives me the warm fuzzies as well. Am I crazy?

My friend suggested that maybe romance wasn't my genre to write, that I'm supposed to hone my skills on the dark side. How can this be? I thought about the little bit of "romance" that I've written on here and it does tend to have a heavier flavor to it. 

Its not all about happily ever after, at least not in the traditional sense.

She said: "Look at Stephen King. He's awesome at writing the macabre."
I retorted with: "He's Stephen King. He's SUPPOSED to write the macabre."
She said: "You're Ren Thompson. Maybe you're SUPPOSED to write the macabre, too."
I couldn't get my foot out of my mouth after that one.

One of my favorites
Now that I think about it, maybe I'm just stressing too much. I'm going to forgive myself since I'm still in a learning curve with this whole romance writing thing. I don't like the idea of not giving it the old college try. I believe in the Romance genre even though not many people do. Regardless of their perception, its a welcome relief from the day to day grind (no pun intended) of daily life. 
I want to be able to create that illusion for readers. 
I know I'm going to continue to keep getting my teeth kicked in over at my critique group but that's okay. 

Its all about becoming a better at the craft.


  1. The main thing is just to write, and write, and write. Preferably from some sort of knowledge or experience, but failing that - LIE! As a writer you can do anything you like - if you're writing fiction. Good luck with your literary future.

  2. Absolutely with Altonian - just keep doing it! No shame attached in romance..though you made me smile..maybe we should start a bloggers anonymous support group..Jae

  3. Oh, lord, jaerose, I'd be one of the founding members!

    Ren, follow your heart. You are fantastic at writing chilling, heart pounding horror stories. They come natural to you. Think about writing one and add romance to it. Might be the next best selling trend!

    Love ya, babe!

  4. She snorted heavy breaths. Her chest rose and fell from the strain. Exhaustion mixed with exhilaration. Blood seeped across the wooden floor.

    Gary's hands clenched around her throat. His mouth brushed her ear. "God, that turned me on."

    She backed into his full erection. "Make love to me here, on the floor, in his blood."

    "I thought you were hungry?"

    She turned and nipped his heated lips. "We can fry up his liver after."

    Hi, Ren!!!!

  5. Oh, I'm convinced you can do the romance well. It just doesn't come naturally to you, so you'll have to keep working at it until you learn to pull the right emotional strings. Which means, once you have the skill, you'll have a more thorough command of the results than someone who was born with a knack.

    Suspense and romance are a popular and often highly successful combination, but combining horror and romance is much more difficult. Do you think it's because horror twists the same keys as romance, but twists them in the opposite direction?

  6. Hello Ren, This is to thank you for passing on the Irresistably Sweet award to me. You certainly deserve it, not sure about myself - don't forget I am Amiably Crotchety!! You must be referring to my love of chocolate and fudge.

  7. @Altonian - Thank you so much for the advice :) Amiably Crotchety works for me and yes, you deserve it lol
    @Jaerose - Thank you :)
    @Judith - I've been looking over some of the stuff I have and wondering if I can twist it up a notch. Thank you :)
    @DA Kenter - You just filled my mind up with all kinds of ideas now :)
    @Amber - Oh thank you so much :) I hadn't thought of it like that.
